Stainless Steel Furniture
Stainless Steel Furniture
- Desk, Continuous Wall Mount
- Tables, Floor Mount
- Seat
- PDF's
![Stainless Steel Furniture](ss_clackamas_furniture_smartobject_240pxwidth.jpg)
![Stainless Steel Continuous Wall Mount Desk](ss_continuous_wallmount_desk_clackamas_edited_smartobject_240pxwidth.jpg)
![Stainless Steel Table and Chairs, Floor Mount](ss_table_floor_mount_cropped_smartobject_225pxwidth.jpg)
![Stainless Steel Stool Top](ss_seat_cropped_nbg_smartobject_220pxwidth.jpg)
PDF coming soon!
We have no ties to any specific hardware or lock manufacture. Therefore we are able to provide non-biased service.
It would be a pleasure to speak with you about your facility, old locks and mechanisms, remodel, electrification of manual openings, locks, doors & / or slider mechanism retrofit needs.